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Company Vision

Menashe Dorset & Co. law firm is committed to providing it’s clients with  professional, kind and straightforward legal service; to operate in a fair and dedicated manner; and to guide those who choose us with patience and exceptional team of experienced lawyers, while striving to the ethical standards of the court.

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תחומי עיסוק

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מקרקעין תכנון ובניה


ליטיגציה וייצוג בבתי משפט


משפט מסחרי

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שירותי נוטריון


גישור ובוררות

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דיני עבודה
וייעוץ שוטף לחברות

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עריכת ייפוי כוח מתמשך


צווארון לבן

Contact Us

Menashe, Dorset & Co. - Law Firm and Notary

10 Marmork St.
Tel Aviv 6425410
Tel: 03-6216000
Fax: 03-6216001

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תחומי עיסוק


Our firm was established in 2011, by its founding partners: Adv. Gal Menashe, who is an expert in real estate, as well as in commercial and real estate litigation; Adv. Niva Dorset, who is an expert in corporate law, labor law and litigation.


Our firm specializes in representing clients in significant real estate transactions, as well as representing private and public corporations, entrepreneurs, contractors, construction associations, hotels, logistics centers, landowners and prospective purchasers. Our firm has many years of experience in real estate transactions and complex and extended projects, and in particular in areas of dissolution. And convening of properties, in urban renewal, hotel services, logistics, accompanying the change of the GPO; acquisition groups; urban renewal; residential apartments and more.


In addition, the firm specializes in commercial-civil law, such as representation in legal disputes, representation of commercial and private clients, including large business entities, in all areas of commercial and business litigation, including insurance, civil and real estate laws (including planning and construction), in various cases. Authorities and within disputes arising in these contexts, as well as before the planning and construction institutions. In addition to ongoing counseling and consulting for companies and private individuals in a variety of areas: companies, labor law, contracts and more.


Our firm includes a high-quality, veteran and experienced, dynamic and energetic team of lawyers in their field of expertise, providing our clients with professional, in-depth and personal legal service, with an emphasis on availability and prompt response to client needs. Through the vast and diverse experience gained by each of our office staff, we provide professional guidance in these areas, all under one roof.


Real estate and planning and construction

Our firm has many years of experience in real estate and planning and construction, including sales transactions; Purchase and rental of residential and commercial property; Hotel services; logistics; Commercial complexes; Offices; Transactions under TAMA 38; Urban Renewal; Representation of Acquisition Groups; Construction Associations; Evacuation-Construction Transactions; Combination Transactions; Accompanying Real Estate Operations (Management, Operations, Mediation, and Sales); And accompanying city building plans.

Our rich experience and knowledge gained in our planning and construction industry, as well as the promotion of city building plans and representation to various planning and licensing bodies, provides the tools to best represent our clients in large and complex transactions and projects, from their inception to completion.


Litigation Litigation

Our firm deals with the management of complex litigation cases in various courts and arbitrations in the various commercial areas, including in real estate disputes; Financial claims; Disputes between partners and / or shareholders; Claims for dissolution of land sharing; Asset receipt files, and so on.

Our firm also provides legal representation to the various planning and construction institutions, and also accompanies and represents clients in labor law disputes, and in this context manages litigation cases in the labor courts. In addition, criminal cases management in planning and construction, and business licensing. Our firm represents a wide range of disassembly cases.


The field of commercial law

The firm's staff provides business and private clients with legal advice and guidance on current business activities in the fields of commercial law and labor law, including transactions and agreements such as corporate formation, acquisitions and mergers, shareholder transactions.

Within this framework, our firm represents corporations in various fields, including: Real estate brokerage; high-tech companies; statutory corporations; government companies; fitness club network; associations and more.


Notary Services

Our office provides notary services, in accordance with notary law: document signature verification; Confirmation of the correctness of document copies; Power of Attorney; Notarized translation in English and Hebrew; Certificate of notarial will; Verification of financial agreement.


Continuous power of attorney editing services

Our firm has trained lawyers on how to conduct an endorsement. This legal document allows the client to determine and appoint an authorized representative who can make decisions for him in his personal affairs.



Our office has a team of qualified and experienced mediators, from litigation, real estate, banking, real estate, etc. Over the years, we have handled many mediations. All the mediators are recognized by the DOJ.



Our firm has extensive experience in managing commercial and civil disputes as part of arbitration proceedings and successfully accompanies its clients in arbitration on a considerable scale and requests for arbitration rulings.


White Collar

Our firm specializes in providing legal advice on white collar crimes. Attorney Gal Menashe has many years of experience in the State Attorney's Office and also represented in fraud cases, money laundering, securities offenses and income tax.


Ongoing consulting for companies

Our firm provides large and medium-sized legal and legal counsel to large and medium-sized companies in legal representation in proceedings, drafting of commercial agreements, dissolving and establishing companies in the Registrar of Companies, managing execution cases and consulting and representation in labor disputes. Sample membership: Ready Shape; CBRE; Natural Damage Fund in Agriculture.

פירוט תחומים
צוות המשרד

Adv. Niva Dorset

עו"ד גל מנשה 

Hayah Kricheli

Office Managar

Adv. Sagiv Bar-Nahum

More Info

Adv.Chen Feldman

For the full information

Adv.Miri Menashe

The Team


Adv. Gal Menashe


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