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Miri Menashe, attorney

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Born in Tel Aviv in 1980.

Graduated with her law degree (LL.B) with honors in 2009 from IDC Radzyner Law School in Herzliya. Member of the Israel Bar Association since 2010. Certified mediator and approving ongoing power of attorney. 


Mensahe completed her internship in Bruchstein, Biro, Raif, Rohar & Co ברוכשטיין בירו רייף רוהר ושות', which is a leading law firm in banking and commercial law. Throughout her career Mensahe handled hundreds of cases involving major companies in the market such as Dor Energy, Leumi bank, “Israel Hayom” newspaper and many more. She has vast experience in banking, repossessing, litigation, commercial and real estate law, as in managing complex litigation cases and ongoing counseling for companies and commercial entities.

Menashe, Dorset & Co. - Law Firm and Notary | All rights reserved

Menashe, Dorset & Co. - Law Firm and Notary | All rights reserved

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